Friday, August 10, 2012


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We are loving Stella being in our home.  It is so fun to see her personality.  Cameron and her run all over the place together.  Stella spends a few days with the trainer, Ryan Olsen and the rest of the time with us.  Cameron sure misses her when she is gone. Stella is learning fast.  She can sit, stay, lay down and if she is told to say, she does pretty good to stay until she is released.  We are excited for the 5K and 1 mile fun run coming up in October.  Keep checking the blog, there will soon be a post by Ryan Olsen, the trainer of these amazing dogs, and from some of the other families he is working with.  If you want to sign up for the race PAWS FOR THE CAUSE AUTISM SERVICE DOGS... the link is on the blog, or go to


  1. How can I locate Ryan Olsen?

  2. His email address is
    He is fantastic!

  3. You can email him at
